At Van Dermyden Makus, we strive to keep you up-to-date on what is happening with our Firm, and with the investigative world at large. Take a few minutes to read about current events.
Van Dermyden Makus Proudly Sponsors ABA ERR Midwinter Meeting, March 13-17, 2023
Van Dermyden Makus was a proud sponsor of the American Bar Association Employment Rights & Responsibilities Midwinter Meeting on March 13th through March 17th in Rancho Mirage, California. VM sponsored the First Time Attendee Luncheon where Section and Committee leaders discussed what the Employment Rights and Responsibilities Committee (ERR) does and how to get involved in the organization.
Sue Ann Van Dermyden to present at the 2023 National Labor and Employment Law Symposium in Park City, Utah
Sue Ann will be presenting “Workplace Investigation - Independence and Conflict Issues” on Monday, February 6 at 7:45am with Julie Moore, from Employment Practices Group, and Liz Rita, from Investigations Law Group.
Sue Ann Van Dermyden to speak at the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law’s 2023 webinar series
The Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law invites you to join our upcoming webinar series, "Rethinking Gender and Sexual Harassment Practice," January 23rd - 26th, 2023, 8:30am - 12:30pm PT each day. California lawyers can earn 3.5 hours of CLE credit per day.
VM’s Daphne Pierre Bishop to Present at PLI’s MCLE Marathon
Daphne Pierre Bishop to present at PLI’s MCLE Marathon, November 1, 2022.
Kennedy Inn of Court Hammy Awards
Sue Ann Van Dermyden, a longtime member of the Kennedy Inn of Court, co-hosted the Inn’s annual Hammy Awards with Art Scotland, former presiding justice of the California Court of Appeals, Third Appellate District in Sacramento on October 18, 2022.
New Team Members
The VM Team is growing! We are pleased to announce new attorneys and professional staff joining our team. VM is devoted to delivering excellence in neutral investigations and hearing officer services. Our work helps employers and campuses make well-informed decisions so employees get back to work and students bet back to class. Our team is committed not just to delivering excellent services to our clients, but to creating a model workplace as well. Our new team members exemplify VM’s values.
Juneteenth 2022
Daphne Pierre Bishop, VM’s Managing Partner Los Angeles wrote our Team an insightful email yesterday which we’d like to share with you. It offers an explanation of the significance of Juneteenth as well as some resources to do a deeper dive, some ideas for celebration and some ways to contribute.
VM Sponsors Sacramento LGBT Center Free Trainings
Every fourth Thursday of the month at 3pm, streaming live on Facebook, the Sacramento LGBT Community Center offers public training. These free trainings, help to create a region where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people thrive and help create advocates for equity and social justice within and external to the LGBTQ+ community.
Please consider donating to one of the many organizations helping address the impacts of gun violence.
As with many in our community, we are deeply saddened by the tragic mass shooting in Sacramento last weekend. We know that no donation will solve the problem, but we seek to support the victims and their families as best we can.
Webinar: Keeping the Cat in the Bag - Conducting Investigations that Require Discretion
This webinar will provide practical tips, techniques, and considerations that are critical to conducting investigations where discretion may be required. Whether a Complainant insists on remaining anonymous or you need to avoid an unnecessary disclosure of sensitive information, this power hour (with an additional 15-minute Q&A following) will show you how to conduct a thorough investigation while minimizing unnecessary exposure and disruption to the workplace or campus based on real-life investigations..
1.0 General MCLE (CA state bar approved)
Top Investigations Law Firm Opens Los Angeles Office
Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation, the thought-leader in workplace investigations, opens a Los Angeles office as part of the long-term strategy to grow in California and nationally. Daphne Pierre Bishop, a trusted expert in the area of employment law and workplace investigations, joins VM as Managing Partner of the Los Angeles office.
VM at Sacramento Region Diversity Career Fair
Saturday, February 26, Van Dermyden Makus Investigations Law Firm participates in the Sacramento Region Diversity Career Fair at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.
VM to Sponsor The Carrie Bobb Foundation Event
Van Dermyden Makus will be a title sponsor of The Carrie Bobb Foundation’s upcoming event, “Your Vision, Your Brand, It’s Your Story.”
This afternoon of storytelling and inspiration with a star-studded lineup will take place on February 22, 2022 at 2:22pm in the Terrace Area of the Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa, in Rancho Santa Fe, California. This event honors all the incredible work The Carrie Bobb Foundation does and includes a Happy Hour with carefully curated beverages and appetizers.
Sue Ann Van Dermyden and Deborah Maddux Named to Super Lawyers 2022
Sue Ann Van Dermyden and Deborah Maddux have been named as Super Lawyers once again. Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement.
Van Dermyden and Makus speak at the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law’s 2022 Virtual Conference.
Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law’s 2022 Conference on New Developments in Workplace Sexual Harassment held virtually, January 27-28, 2022 is a U.S. and global comparative examination of sexual harassment in the workplace, focusing on skills for litigators, advisors, investigators, and human resource professionals.
Eli Makus Becomes President of AWI’s Board of Directors
Eli Makus, Senior Managing Partner of Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation, has been named the Association of Workplace Investigators’ (AWI) President for a two-year term. He previously served as AWI’s Treasurer from 2017 to 2019, and as its Vice President and Institute Committee Co-Chair from 2019 to 2021.
The VM Team Leads Three Sessions at the 2021 CALPELRA Conference
At this year’s CALPELRA conference, Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation has been invited to present at three difference sessions. The CALPELRA 2021 Conference, Color Your Space: A Spectrum of Opportunities, provides space for you step back and consider your work from new vantage points, identify your strengths, brush up on your skills, and establish connections with others.
5 takeaways for business leaders from the Gruden scandal
As workplace investigators, we know one thing – investigations can lead to surprising results. Jon Gruden’s history of making derogatory, demeaning and insensitive comments about Black people, women and the LGBTQ+ community may never have been discovered but for another team’s investigation. The NFL’s investigation into workplace misconduct within the Washington Football Team organization led to a trove of Gruden’s crude and offensive emails sent over a seven-year period, the NFL confirmed to CNN. Gruden resigned Monday as coach of the Las Vegas Raiders.
Sue Ann Van Dermyden and Deborah Maddux Are Both Speaking at The Annual AWI Conference – Oct. 14-15
We are thrilled to announce that AWI selected both Sue Ann Van Dermyden and Deborah Maddux to speak at their annual conference October 14-15 in Denver, Colorado.
The Pandemic Has Intensified Workplace Disputes. Employers Need to Adapt.
Over the past year and a half, as the Covid-19 pandemic raged, bedrooms became our offices and dogs our officemates. We invited bosses, coworkers and clients into our living spaces through the omnipresent Zoom window.
Now, as companies and their employees begin returning to offices, they face a permanently changed workplace. Zoom and Slack have become ingrained in our work culture. Many Americans say they prefer to continue to work remotely. Hybrid arrangements and flexible office schedules already have become the norm at many companies.